Cleaning your silver jewellery at home!

Cleaning your silver jewellery at home!

The first concern that always comes with silver jewellery is that it’ll look dull and become unwearable once it starts to tarnish. However, at Eve Jewellery, you will not have to worry about that since we go the extra mile and plate all our silver jewellery with rhodium. Nevertheless, we’ve got your back and are sharing with you our top 2 home remedies that’ll leave your tarnished silver jewellery shining!

1. Colgate toothpaste powder:

This is one of the best methods to clean your silver jewellery at home, simply rinse the piece of jewellery you wish to clean with water and sprinkle some colgate powder on it. Continue to scrub the jewellery gently. Once done just rinse and wipe the residue off with a cloth. This method is usually used by professionals as well to clean tarnished silver jewellery.

2. Cleaning powder:

In case you do not have access to colgate powder and need to clean you jewellery another alternative you can use is a cleaning powder, we have used odopic dishwashing powder, to clean the jewellery. Rinse the jewellery and then use the cleaning powder to remove the tarnish off the piece. Finally, wipe off any residue with a cloth.

Both of these are effective in cleaning your jewellery pieces effectively and easily at home. As you can see in the picture, we used odopic dishwashing powder to clean the earring, however, they both clean the tarnish of jewellery extremely well and leave your jewellery as good as new and ready to wear!

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